
by FaistDevelopments

Food & Drink


In the midst of southern slopes on which Schilchert grapes grow, lie on the banks of the Stainzbach our fields and meadows. Embedded in this magnificent landscape, the Langreiter-Hof, awarded by Gault Millau, welcomes its guests.Delicious meat productsHandmadeWith us, casseroles are prepared "ready to eat". So theres nothing in the way of an instant tasting. Hand with saltrubbed with a selection of their own spice blendsnoble spices such as marjoram, coriander, juniper, laurel etc.provided spoil each bite the taste buds.Leave your timeWe give the meat plenty of time to absorb the salt.Carefully we take care when seasoning that the spicesdo not mask the taste. Only the long pot life guarantees a full, balanced taste from the edgeright into the heart.Smoky varietyOnly selected, dry beech wood becomesSmoking used. Due to the gentle cold smoking our products get a fine smoky note. From the traditionalFarm ham on a delicate square to the head - eachsingle piece promises an absolute taste experience.Lendbratl, farmers bacon, bacon or prosciutto -sliced ​​thinly sliced ​​every bite on the tongue.carnalityVery, very slowly, a Limousin cattle grows to limousineapproach. It takes 20 months to get the optimal intramuscularTo achieve fat storage. We give him this time, with itthe meat can become especially tender and tender. Boiled beef,Beiried, roast roast - we deliver with every section of beefDelicacies of the finest.The pleasure of enjoyment does not come first when eating, butalready during the preparation. Interested parties, we give tips on howthey can further refine the meat in their kitchen.Styrian pumpkin seed oilDistinctively fragrant with nuts, intense in taste,dark green in color - this is the "green gold" of theStyria health-conscious connoisseurs in temptation.Styrian Pumpkin Seed Oil g.g.A. owned by the Langreiter-Hofthe world specialties.